Praios: COURAGE+1
Rondra: Talent "Swords"+1 Efferd: Talents "Swimming"+1 and "Boats"+1 Travia: INTUITION+1 Boron: Talent "Sensitivity"+1 Hesinde: Talent "Alchemy"+1 Firun: Talents "Shot Weapons"+1 and "Tracking"+1 Tsa: CHARISMA+1 Phex: Talents "Stealing"+1 and "Sneaking"+1 Peraine: Talents "Healing Wounds" and "Healing Disease"+1 Ingerimm: Talent "Thrust weapons"+1 Rahja: Talents "Dancing","Singing" and "Befool"+1 |
Examples for capacities of pack animals:
Horse, Camel, Mule: 4000 ounces
Donkey: 3000 ounces
Dog (Bornlander): 600 ounces